Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Social Media...

The key to "the key" is; getting popular. In Cyberspace, the best known tools for this effect is third party value measurement. Better known as "reality'. this concept varies among "talent" and "perspective".

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The reason that we have lots of computers networked together globally, is to extend our collective or local memory, in hopes of being equipped to use or have tools, to eventually respond to the mounting stress on our social environments. [This is true for cyberspace or Real Space. (The difference between the two is; one, is measurable by the current tools available to us, the other, is not, or vise-versus. Whatever your P.O.V.) this all depends on your activities and desired personal results.] Then, we can communicate effectively, real space or in cyberspace. This concept is critical as our social media environments become more complex.

Enter, Social Media! The Cafe' of the future! Cyberspace is the new battlefield for the world as we know it. It is the new world order! This new type of battle in cyberspace involves a free and open internet that can put the corner coffee shop out of business! Why? Because the discussion has moved online. I can offer my opinion at home while I am participating in cyberspace while I brew a pot of coffee or tea. With spell check or google translate I am able to connect with even more people. Coffee and Tea is best served to the individuals' needs. Do you want cream or sugar?

Enter, The Social Media Party! You can select your brew, uncensored. State what you feel! If the answer you receive, bothers you too much, we can duke it out in some Java application like Farmville or Mafia Wars. The real game is, who will create a larger presence in cyberspace with the best idea. My bet is, it will be the Netizens that are the most like Switzerland.

Enter, Internet Neutrality! Every idea beamed throughout cyberspace needs to be uncensored. This is the only fair and honest online measurement tool of equality available to our current common species. We must not allow for-profit groups or governments of countries to slow down their networks by intentionally slowing the fastest users, "the fast lane" (i.e. people who watch youtube.com or Hulu.com or share openoffice.org software via BitTorrent software and tracker.) or, the users with ideas ahead of the culture that is being confined by borders and governed. This mode of thinking is an attempt by a regulating entity to make it “fair” for the “average user” or "citizen" who only checks his e-mail and chats on AIM or is designed for the purpose of oppressing a nation or culture for personal gain or ignorance.

The smarter people get in cyberspace the more bandwidth is needed to accommodate this beam of light or evolution of thought throughout cyberspace. It can not be “Throttled”, slowed or confined in a cage or "border"!