Monday, June 21, 2010

Cyberspace Party - Social Media Party! Where you own Cyberspace!

Cyberspace Party - Social Media Party! Where you own Cyberspace!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The sky is falling...

The following text is an analysis of faith as it pertains to current concepts surrounding religion. This entry in no way reflects the opinions of all of the members of The Social Media Party except for the base concept of impartial neutrality I would hope. I can't make any promises though because the truth is, I don't know everyone's opinions here. Feel free to help me with that problem. I could really use an opposing view to my logic expressed in this post. Thank you for participating in the discussion. :-) I try really hard not to post opinion on my blog but it is way too long to post in the forum. Please feel free to discuss it there. Create a thread if none exists yet.

Speaking as a person that is neutrally scientific, agnostic and has Mormon heritage that I hold dear to me, I find that when people of religious upbringing, besides me, try to explain their personal concept of God to me, their sales pitch always ends with “well, you just need to have faith”. Well finally something we can all agree on. Believing in the concept of God takes a huge leap of faith.

The last person I spoke with this about was trying to solidify their point of view by stating that a “blind person needs faith” as a reaction to my statement that in my opinion, “religious faith is blind faith”. There is a difference in faith vs. blind faith and I will explain it from the point of view of said hypothetical blind person.

Reality is the third party perspective of the majority of the people that surround you. This is called group-think. In any one group of people, the highest truth for that group becomes reality for that group. A blind person has absolute concrete evidence that the sky is blue. He may not know what blue actually is but he does know that it is the normal color of the sky because close to, if not %100 percent of the people describing the color of the sky to him, say it is blue. This is true on a global level. The only discrepancy here is language. The word blue is not used on a global basis but most everyone can see the sky and describe it to others in proximity to them. He can now have faith that the sky is blue with a minimal margin of error,... practically none... He can have this faith without even knowing what blue is. This is not blind faith. It is actual faith. Now if only %75 percent of the people that describe the sky to him says it is blue, his belief that the sky was blue would require a %25 leap of faith towards the assumption that the sky is actually blue. Any “leap” of faith requires that you ignore any gap that is missing within the information being presented. You have to ignore the fact that there is information missing from the total equation. You simply gloss it over. Any “leap” of faith is blind faith in my opinion because you actually purposefully blind yourself to the fact that you don't have all of the facts. Chances are that the blind person will end up believing the sky is blue because it would be a greater leap of faith to align his point of view with the minority and say it is yellow or green.

So now I will equate this analogy to religion. The reason we have so many different religions on the planet is because nobody has a solid reference point of why or how we came to be on this planet. So the highest truth for the group-think at the time and place of discussion became the reality for that group and ideas based on that truth spread around on a regional basis. So that being said, people may think that being an agnostic person and not believing in God means you are not religious. On the contrary, I am religious. I just have a larger group-think tank is all. It resides on a global basis within Cyberspace. I am incapable of blind faith. So as a result, my religious group will need to be incapable of blind leaps of faith as well. Most religions congregate with like minded individuals. My religion requires that to believe in a deity, the concept of that “god” or deity must be as concrete on a global basis, meaning consensus among everyone, as the color of the sky. Which happens to be blue in English.

Since my views look towards the future and the incorporation of all mankind in the discussion towards the highest truth on a global basis, (the largest group-think tank), in my opinion, once everyone reaches an agreement on the highest truth on a global level in a peaceful manor, we will all know the color of God.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Save the Internet.

The Cyberspace Party dba The Social Media party was formed with the following goals in mind.

First is to create a user base via a website that is and isn't a political party. It is in the sense that it is a party of sorts but the only country it has roots in is Cyberspace. This is being accomplished via various social media portals. We are actually intending to blur the lines between politics and philosophy being we believe they are essentially one and the same concept. The user base is needed for step two.

Second goal is in process. I intend to create a decentralized social media portal and games and a "language factory" that will be able to accommodate everyone on the globe so we can move commerce online into a new value system via a never yet implemented commerce system based in language, time, personal value, productivity and fair trade. It will not only make neutrality a reality but necessary to do business.

The ultimate and final goal is that we have made the world a happier and safer place through directed learning via Cyberspace and fair commerce. No one person or organization can "own" Cyberspace or this new commerce system. Not even the ISPs. If my goals happen, My social media portal will be the largest network and ISP. The ISPs won't get anymore business because they throttle their users. My users will actually get paid to use the internet and help run or use the ISP.

How will I do all of this by myself you ask? Well I can't. I have a full time "job". I need help from everyone. Programmers, mathematicians, bilingual people, physicists, engineers, investors, community action you name it I need it. More help I get, the quicker it will happen.

Read more on my website. And I entertain any input for our common goal from anyone. I dream big and big things are happening. Thank you for your time. It is valuable to me...

A free and open internet commerce system is at the heart of our survival as earthlings and mandatory for me to be on the same level playing field to include entities like, EBay, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Facebook, Rossetta stone, wikipedia, Skype and Yahoo. Prominent national figures such as Internet pioneer Vint Cerf, Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig, Acting FCC Chairman Michael Copps, Mark zuckerburg, Barack Obama, etc. We are going to stop "competing" for capital and we are going to need to work together to "invest" capitol to benefit everyone. We can change our whole value and commerce systems via a free and open internet.

Friday, June 4, 2010

From my friend... AE. What is an American?

What is an American? The question is being asked all over the world where the tea party meets the coffee house! At this nexus, I'd like to submit what I learned as a child... It seems to have been forgotten... Three points will cover it for me.

An American believes in and practices elective process, parliamentary procedure and protection of individual rights from the majority. Period. Anything beyond these three points is personal opinion to be discussed in public forum using these three principles to come to the highest truth possible for whatever particular group at whatever particular time. This... is where the tea party meets the coffee house.

Once this is clearly understood, we can begin engaging in public rhetoric following the principles of parliamentary procedure. My first contribution to the fun, will be to re-introduce the Four Freedoms and see if anybody else has ever heard of them. They are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from coercion, and freedom from hunger.

Aren't there any other old ladies or gentlemen to pass on these Essential Basic American Principles to our younger generations? Was I the only one listening during our push against fascism in the 1940s? Is anybody listening? Hello out there!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thanks to everyone who has contibuted!

You now have a mobile option for The Social Media Party! Go to

. I hope you had a Happy Birthday RA! You made all of this possible!