Saturday, February 26, 2011


Don't you hate it when you open up a word document and the thought that you intended to share with the world was obliterated by your brain killing said thought processes with a really cool Title for said document... I had a good opening statement I swear...

I had a really well thought out "quote in the making". I am sure it will Come to me. The title leaves me wanting... It doesn't do my inspiration justice. I feel like I am now writing "The greatest song in the world; The Tribute"...Thanks Jack Black. I guess I will have to borrow one from the Archives... How bout' UK...

The note reads, "Let me know when/if you want some pretty shots of my extensive mediums of my livelihood.” I want to write it with a bit more “to the point” uuugh... truth right?,, is that what I do? Do I tell her that I want her ? Do I tell her just how badly she will be missed?... I folded it and put it into my pocket.

A Knights Tail

No more “Mr. Nice Guy”? I... don't think so... Chivalry is not... and never will be... dead. There is a warrior syndrome infecting 99% of men... I think... and it trails behind us infecting everyone. Syndromes are nothing but diseases to be cured. (Women..., I will get to you later. You are... a... more... “complicated” topic. I need time to prepare... the answer? It is kind of our fault... sorry :-0 )

Among all of the revolutions revolving around the world as I write this..., there is one standing out that not a soul has a full grasp on... yet... It is right under our noses. It is the Cure. Approximately a foot below our nose is our hearts. Fear has less of a hold on them lately. So our hearts are revitalizing. This revolution/revitalization of our hearts has begun the process of healing our collective need to be the victim. People tend to lay down in this situation historically because they get bombs dropped on them. We are now collectively trying to reach out to one another in hopes of a friendship request. Hopes of a collective idea to be built upon. To know what you like or need. It is the sixties all over again. And we all get to see in on CNN.

Some people would call me a “fucking hippie tree huggin' sand (censored) luvin' mother fucker” for saying so, but I am elated that people are speaking out with NO FEAR... whatsoever...! ... of martyrdom. It shows some real balls. (I wish I could do that...) Even the opposition, (I mean... dysfunctional government of any kind), is out numbered because they are too parasitical. The longest known dictator in Africa is on his heals vowing to be a martyr. Who is next?..., Just promise me one thing guys..., after all this bullshit is over. Let's take our ladies out without shame. By “out” I mean... out for a drink or dinner and a movie...! No coercion, cutting, maiming, hiding or stoning. Open a door for her.

Not a good way to start a quasi memoir...nobody translate this...! Do I really have to be a method writer...? Dammit... I feel so cheap. Time to watch TV... and take my pants off...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Friends First

Once upon a time, when I was a child, I had an imaginary friend. It turns out that it wasn't so imaginary. I made it real. I was searching for the unknown. When I found it, it became reality. I realized the conversations I was having with this "being" began to scare me. I told my mother I was afraid of ghosts. She said “Awe, that is just bull! Ghosts can't hurt you only people can.” I was growing up and beginning to realize that the conversations I was having were with my “old self”. I was communicating with previous versions of myself through the “veil”. My logic told me that it wasn't possible. So, I listened to everyone and broke up with my imaginary “self”. I've been searching for that same kind of friendship since. Actually, I have been searching for my old self in counterparts. One part yes, one part no. Yes and no... very basic. Very Black and white. Yes means yes and No means no. Computers speak this language in a sequence of ones and zeros. Very efficient. I wanted to see how far I could take it. I devised a test. I decided to be friends with everyone that would. I began to become popular but it wasn't enough. I had become a doormat for parasites. This had to stop. I devised a plan of screw me once shame on you and so forth. This began to work. Everyone that failed the friends first test were shelved or discarded. Except... for a few diamonds in the ruff that deserved not only a second chance but guidance in addition. They became my "circle". I was also in "love" with the subjects. My friendship first plan was backfiring though with the women. I would give them everything they wanted expecting reciprocation and not getting what I expected in return. When I would try to initiate romance. I would get the response “You have been so nice to me!... but, I don't want to ruin our beautiful friendship. I don't want to hurt you.”... Enter ...”The Friend Zone”, and some made it to the more prestigious “Roll of Bill Backmanship” or “Bill's Club” for short. (more on that later. Long story;-) They did not know about the "veil" and the intuition that comes with it. Now, I was very happy with this arrangement. I value friendship more than gold! I would then proceed to be friends. Then, I gained more than sex. I would not change a thing if I had a chance. I had gained real value. I can still taste it. I took it upon myself to continue placing myself in the “Zone”. It is the only way to weed out the uninformed. Most don't understand this concept yet. Now, I have grown older and haven't grown colder and everything is always more fun... furthermore... And I..can.. feel. Friendship is my orgasm. Nobody gives a fuck anymore. It is chaos! I love it! (Thank you Mr. R. Waters and “company” for the inspiration. Literally and rhetorically ;-) Grab a hammer. Do you have a wall? I do. Everyone does. It protects us from our undesired future selves. Kind of like that person downtown that you put blinders on for while passing them by making a "B" line for your three dollar coffee, intentionally ignoring their need for change. Now, to top it off, I realize real value (VL;-) and friendship exchange even more now that I have more valuable friendships. If everyone that I know or knew felt the same way... And, set the concept as a priority, I will not see a future need for commonplace, deep rooted and expiring, in my opinion, concepts of currency exchange. Let's use the (VL;-) and figure out an even and honest way to trade it together. How HARD can it get. A computer could do it with the right code. Can you sustain or extend? It depends on the recipient. Almost everyone fails the "test" at some point. It is expected. Is a thought defined as a single paragraph or is it a whole chapter? It all depends on the writer and the reader I guess. What YOU really want to get out of the book is the real test.